As first seen on Your Bella Life
It’s Spring time in New York City. After a cold winter you can imagine my excitement for lighter clothes, warmer weather and iced Starbucks. City residents come out of their tiny apartments and move from the sidewalks and stores to the parks and piers. As they say about spring, the season linked to procreation, love is in the air. You can literally feel the shift if you pay attention. Notice more smiles, relaxed bodies and a whole lot of love.
This Spring I decided to practice a new way of living I call Spring for Love. I started this practice this season but I can use it, and it will help me, all year long. When I say spring for love I am not talking about the season but rather the conscious action of noticing love. When I speak of love it can range from enjoying an ice latte to being loving in your own relationships. Love is not limited to romantic relationships and family but can be found in a friendship, in a relaxing afternoon alone, even in a flower.
For example today walking down my street I practiced springing for love. I first looked up at the sky and noticed how blue it was. I took a deep breath and noticed to my right a window with a beautiful pink flower in it. I then passed a building with a door, a bright blue color that I love. This all was within about 10 steps; imagine if I have been springing the whole block.
After taking time to notice just three simple expressions of love in my own life, I felt better and that is the purpose of this exercise. Noticing love, aka that which brings you joy, will lift you up to feeling better then you could imagine. It can become so easy to get wrapped up in all the drama and lack in our lives. Whatever it may be, the more we notice the bad in our lives, the more bad we will see. Luckily this works both ways, as the more love we see in our lives, the more love shows up for us to take notice of.
I urge you to spring for love from the moment you wake, to the moment you go to sleep noticing in every area of your life, that which brings you joy. You will notice a shift in the way you feel and the people around you will most likely notice this shift too.
Start Springing:
1. Set the intention. Every morning and throughout your day state out loud your intention. For 21 days speak your intention to Spring for love, all day long. When you do this you put yourself in the mental mindset of accomplishing your goal. Saying it aloud reinforces this idea to yourself and also allows you to indirectly ask the universe for its support in your intention.
2. Be relaxed. We tend to run from one thing to the next rather then taking in our experience. Make sure to notice this beautiful world and let nature show. Melt over the adorableness of babies and puppies, or the beauty of other people. Remember the more love you appreciate, the more of it you will see.
3. Enjoy. The concept behind this exercise is to fill you with feelings of love and joy, have fun with this, notice what you notice, take it in and move on. Far too often, I am guilty myself, we allow ideas that are supposed to be good for us, become a hassle and a source of stress. Bring yourself back to the core message behind Springing for Love, restate your intention, breathe and relax.
As Editor in Chief and Bella Life Founder Nitika Chopra says “love is possible in every moment” and Ill add “if you’re aware of its presence.” Tis the season to Spring For Love!